Monday, August 29, 2016

Three Paths to Grave Error, One Path to Wisdom

The American Public is constantly told by the Mainstream Propaganda Media that Voters have a choice to make between Conservatives, Liberals, or sometimes Progressives.

These are terms that make sense only in the context of Propaganda; this means by usefulness in deception.

Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona campaigned during the Nineteen-Fifties, up to his bid for the United States presidency in 1964, as the only "true conservative."

His followers considered themselves to be "true conservatives" as well, and believed wholeheartedly that their version of Conservatism would be the saving Grace of this nation at that time, and in this time. Goldwater was rejected miserably by voters in 1964.

During this past election year, Senator Ted Cruz assumed to be the only true conservative running for president. Millions of people believed him. Cruz reached into a vat of traditional beliefs held by self-proclaimed conservatives for decades, trying to gain trust among those in the cult.

Yes, I say that those who followed Goldwater and those who follow, still, Ted Cruz, belong to a political cult called Conservatism that has changed little over eight decades. It has changed somewhat, but not all that much. Arguments used in the Nineteen-Thirties, Forties and Fifties intending to slow down the rise of political self-proclaimed Progressives are the same ones used in 2016.

During this same difficult period of rapid social and political change, many "Conservatives" knew what few others knew or would admit to in public: that everyone from the earlier part of the Twentieth Century forward who entered politics as a self-proclaimed Progressive was using a code word for a political atheist.

During conferences in 1910, a group of obscenely wealthy American and European corporate leaders and bankers gathered to examine ways in which they could solidify their control over the American People. At that time, Americans were the most free and entrepreneurial people on Earth. The vast majority of American wealth never made it New York. Instead, it was held in American homes, and in American small towns, in Savings and Loan "Banks," and in local investment pools. The American People were wealthy, and a growing middle class was inclined to keep its wealth dispersed among themselves, to be enjoyed within families and communities. Collectively the American People held far more wealth than the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and others like them.

It was decided in these conferences of 1910 that a few Insiders would apply various covert means to change the social landscape of the United States. The primary keys to desired social change: education and war. From that point forward, the wealthiest few began to purchase the services of academics who would assist them in a metamorphosis of American education. Textbooks used in public schools at all levels were published with increasing frequency, and distributed to  greater numbers of students each year. These books gradually became saturated with  propagandized content that directed students toward specific social and political changes desired by those Elites who funded book production.

There was no moral justification behind the aims of the Elite who launched this plan. In fact, those who were Insiders knew that their goals were, and still are, directly in opposition to ethics and morals of a vast majority of human beings. After several thousand years of human communication and communities, there are basic morals that we agree on. This distillation of ideas and morals has been an organic process throughout history, allowing "civilization" to become refined. To radically alter this refined society achieved by the start of the Twentieth  Century, sweeping changes were necessary in politics and religious beliefs.

To advance the hidden political agenda of the Insiders, they adopted the term Progressive. From that point forward it was understood that anyone self-identifying as "progressive" was declaring themselves to be an atheist, not constrained by morals, traditional or otherwise. In fact, it was also decided by the Insiders that it would be necessary for them to redefine the major religions of that time. They have.

Understand that Progressives are the true opposites of Conservatives; although the Mainstream Propaganda Media insists that self-proclaimed Liberals belong to that "left end."

That's the way it is with Mainstream Propaganda terms; language is meant to be misleading, not clear. .

Along similar political tracks, both Socialists and Communists rose as twin arms of political Progressives. Again, it has been understood that if you took either path the end goal was the same: to "make progress" toward a society without God and without moral constraints associated with the major religions of the early Twentieth Century.

An atheist Progressive, John Dewey, took control of public school education by the Nineteen-Forties. Dewey was one of thirty-four who signed the first Humanist Manifesto, in 1933, which called for replacing God-centered religion with a new Human-based religion. His legacy has been to ensure that atheism would be taught in public schools throughout America, disguised as "advancements in knowledge and educational techniques."

Under the guise of "advancement in knowledge," rapid replacement of textbooks used in schools, which seem to have a  usefulness of no more than three years, has for decades been a means of adding continually more atheism into school curriculum. Three generations of teachers have now been "educated" completely under this meta-programming system. Consequently it is inevitable that a large percentage of teachers in public schools, from the earliest grades to universities,  proudly consider themselves political and social Progressives.

The Grave Error of Conservatives as a political cult in America is that they attempt to base their political philosophy on "Judeo-Christian values" that they cannot actually perfect as a guide to life. Contributing to this Error is that Christianity is a Mystical Religion. As such, it is exceedingly complex. Its moral tenets are an excellent guiding light to apply to one's life, and doing so would make this world a much better place. To be a true Christian is to actively bridge this gap between a material world and an equally real spiritual "dimension." Doing so in a political context is like debating quantum physics in three minutes or less, with CNN moderating.

In addition, much of the practice of Christianity as was taught by Yeshua involves "being in a closet." Christianity is based on prayer, but unlike Islamic prayer, Yeshua taught that one is to "Go to a closet to pray in secret." Those who pray in secret will be rewarded in secret, Yeshua has promised. [[There is so much propaganda concerning a "separation of church and state" that it will be decoded in later blogs. Nothing written on these pages is intended to dismiss or insult any religion, except erroneous political cults.]]

The Grave Error of Progressives is that it is a movement that will inevitably bring about destruction and death. It already has. Under the banner of communism, Progressivism failed miserably. Under the banner of National Socialism in Germany, Progressivism contributed to the deaths of more than sixty million people. An unknown number, in millions, have died in Asia under failed Progressivism as Chinese communism, North Korean communism, and Vietnamese communism. In other parts of the world such as Cuba and Venezuela, Progressivism has destroyed millions more lives.

All known forms of Progressivism are based on the lie of fundamental atheism. Throughout the history of political philosophy no philosophical theory, based upon fallacy or fiction, applied in this world, and tested, has survived.  

Among Progressives, a minority would argue that it is no error at all that its philosophy, when turned into political power, brings about destruction and death. To those few, especially Insiders, these results is intended. These are Progressives who understand the power of propaganda, and that without effective propaganda they have no power.

The Grave Error of self-proclaimed Liberals is weakness. To be "liberal" is to not believe in anything, except those weak proclamations that sound good at the moment. To be pro-abortion yet against the death penalty for serious crimes is an example. To be liberal is to go along with the crowd, believing that because a majority of people in your age group or social status think something, you should too. To be liberal is to believe that birth control pills are about women's health, because you're told so, when in fact The Pill is the most destructive force working against a woman's health. Liberals believe what Mainstream Propaganda Media tells them to believe. Hence, as Liberals know what is Cultural Common Knowledge to know, and weakness moves them to avoid deep, reflective thought, they are blind to the irony of their self-contradictions and, in more blunt terms, their hypocrisy.

There is a Fourth Way. It is the only true path forward, toward a Refined Civilization.

In political terms, only the Pragmatist is capable of leading this fractured society out of the mess we are in.

A Pragmatist finds the short path to a solution, but a true pragmatist does not rely on an illusion of "being all things to all people." A pragmatist will not pretend to please everyone; a pragmatist will understand from the start that those who rely on problems persisting, for nefarious reasons of course, will be violently opposed to solutions. Thus a Pragmatist expects opposition from those creating a status quo that is rife with problems; fluid problems that intentionally have no resolution in sight.

For example, under our resent circumstances, it is inevitable that Progressives be violently opposed to Pragmatists. 

A Pragmatist fixes things that aren't working. Yes, that's completely different from a Socialist, and from the self-proclaimed Progressive; those political cults are committed to breaking what works so that an alternative program can begin.

At the time of the American Revolution, there were Conservatives; they remained loyal to King George, the broken money system, and the status quo of having to pay allegiance to an Elite who was never seen (much like today).

At that same time, there were very few Liberals and no Socialists in America. People were too busy living practical lives to be so engaged in breaking systems that worked well (only the Money System was broken). People found practical solutions to many problems faced; self-reliance was the dominant theme that motivated young and old, man and woman, to live in freedom.

During that period, people lived in American Colonies to practice, openly and without causing offense, their respective religious beliefs, not to be free from the wisdom of thousands of years of intellectual and moral refinement that defined their beliefs. Hence, the fallacy of Progressivism had not yet been imagined.

The Founding Fathers, those who established this nation, its refinement of all previous political systems into the paradigm of political systems, were all Pragmatists. Men and women worked together to throw off the oppression of the King's Money System that did not work for Colonists, but instead strangled businesses and livelihoods with excessive taxes.

However, in France a few years later, while the esteemed Pragmatist George Washington served as the First President of the United States, Progressivism exploded onto the landscape in excesses of violence and bloodshed known as the French Revolution.

The American Civil War was another explosion of violence and bloodshed during the years that another Pragmatic president presided over this American Experiment. Lincoln was a dark figure, liked by few in the political class of his time. Lincoln understood that the enemies of freedom are neither truly conservative nor truly liberal, neither leftists nor from the right. Instead, they wear whatever garb seems most acceptable in the moment. He knew, it takes cunning and personal strength to move forward while those around you shout condemnations and put obstacles in the way.

The last Pragmatist to live in the White House was John Kennedy. There is a price that some men/women are forced to pay for the exercise of their own free will, and refusal to be owned by one or more people.

There is only one Pragmatist candidate for president in 2016 with a chance to be elected, and not owned. 

When Washington resigned his term as president, it was universally understood that WISDOM had prevailed in his nomination and election by The People.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton Speech Decoded with Mind-blowing Discoveries, Part Two

This is a continuation of a previous post decoding Hillary Clinton's speech of August 25, 2016, in which she attacked Donald Trump and the "Alt.Right" Internet blogs and websites that happen to expose her as she really has been and continues to be. Hillary's words are in bold type, followed by decoding information. 

This is what I want to make clear today:
A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military.

Decoded Response: To begin with this new segment of her speech, Clinton says she want to “make clear today” what follows. This is a variation of her other favorite phrase, “I have to tell ya ...” Both of these phrases are condescending. She presumes a position of superior knowledge; without her sharing that knowledge the rest of us would remain uninformed.

Also, these two phrases and those similar are used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to make a “connection” with an audience that is supposed to create empathy or agreement. After all, she's letting you in on a “secret” or information that you did not know, so she's doing you a favor.

Add the word “dark” to your meta-programming terms. That is always a good one to use in broad audiences because it invokes subtle fear: Fear of the dark, fear of the unknown.

Conspiracy theory falls under multiple categories, including “the Big Lie” used in National Socialist (NAZI) Germany. We are supposed to accept that those promoting a “conspiracy theory” are fooled, by our own weakness of mind, into believing an outlandish plot could or would even exist. The term conspiracy theory is deceptive in an insidious way. We are supposed to believe that a conspiracy does not exist, and/or that no conspiracies are ever successful, unless a referenced event happened long ago in history. For example, the American Public is now allowed to believe that Lincoln's assassination was the result of a conspiracy, partly because it happened long ago and partly because the United States government killed a group of people for participating in that conspiracy. More recently, anarchists were accused of a plot to assassinate McKinley, but that was still in a distant past. So, the Big Lie currently in use and widely promoted is that there is too much information in this “Information Age” for any such conspiracy to work. Potential leaks make conspiracies impossible, simple as that.

Its secondary meaning is that a person who accepts a “theory” (as if it is true) is unstable and gullible. The Mainstream Propaganda Media does quite a bit to promote gullibility as a social epidemic, especially that which is reinforced with fake humor. This is to say, in a pseudo-comedy show or situation, someone will say “conspiracy” or “conspiracy theory” followed by sound effect laughter. Yes, producers use fake laughter machines to meta-program audiences as to what is supposed to be funny. They do this all the time, and most audiences know it is fake laughter, yet many will still be conditioned to think it's funny.

But the real trick is this: Audiences are conditioned to fear being ridiculed. As soon as a conditioned person starts to speak about what is really healthy skepticism, that person knows to expect ridicule. Conditioned people don't like to be ridiculed. They shut both minds and mouths.

And that is the audience that Hillary was speaking to.

The far reaches of the Internet ...” Again we have a reference to “extremism,” and to “right-wing fringes.” These are expertly coded words. This is NLP reinforcement of multiple fears that people are conditioned to have.

Then of course a conclusion. After saying this, Hillary as the Ted Cruz Head Bob down to perfection. While an audience applauds her vacuous statements, she raises her head and nods up and down in agreement. But this is more that simple agreement. Those watching receive a subliminal message of, “Yes, this is true.” it's not meant as, “I Hillary, agree with you.” The Ted Cruz Head Bob is an instruction: You will say yes to my words.

If he doesn’t respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans?

Decoded Response: This is an obvious Fake Question. The MPM uses this Fake Question Technique all the time.

She is asserting, “He doesn't respect ...” She presents a (false) statement of “fact,” that Trump doesn't respect anyone. 

Hillary is NOT asking, “How can he serve ...”

She is proposing instead that Trump cannot serve ANY Americans. This is what that audience is expected to receive, per Hillary's intentions.

Now, I know some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself – that there’s a kinder, gentler, more responsible Donald Trump waiting in the wings somewhere.
Decoded Response: Hillary is telling her audience that Trump does not deserve their respect, and that some in her audience might want to feel magnanimous by giving him a pass. The unsubtle implication is that Trump has done something terribly wrong for which only the most generous can forgive.

What terrible things is Trump guilty of, based on this passage?

He has been “unkind,” he has been “mean,” and he has been “irresponsible.” These are insidious implications that evoke a parental role in both the audience and Hillary. Trump has been a bad boy, and maybe we can forgive him ... but only if ...

Then, the reference to “the fringe.” A better, meaning obedient, Donald Trump might appear from some distant location, some fringe location in which he takes refuge.

After all, it’s hard to believe anyone – let alone a nominee for President of the United States – could really believe all the things he says.

Decoded Response: You are a fool if you believe anything Trump says. Not one of you should believe anything he says.

I hope you appreciate the astounding irony above and below.

Maya Angelou once said: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Decoded Response: Hillary is very concerned that Trump is going to gather a positive response by reaching out to Hispanics and Blacks. Naturally she turns to an emotional trigger to increase her empathy level with Black audiences by invoking a heroine of Black Culture in America. Meta-programming of that audience would not be effective without this empathy or connection to Maya Angelou. 

However, there are some things that people should know about Angelou, and perhaps many already do, which sort of opens another very ugly mess regarding Clinton.
"Angelou was a racist, America-hater, Jew-hater, anti-Israel, a close friend of Malcolm X, and a strong supporter of Cuba’s Fidel Castro."  Debbie Schlussel
However, one important aspect of her life that it left out was that she is a literary fraud.
At this point, I'm not sure that there's anything coming out of Angelou's pen or mouth that can be believed.
"Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git." Maya Angelou
Angelou was a popular writer made famous by Bill Clinton at his Inaugeration. She was a celebrity writer in the same sense that Ben Affleck is a movie star but not an actor; there is enough talent to get by but not enough depth to make a deep lasting impression. Hillary had used the same quote from Angelou in May 2016, also in a speech criticizing Trump. Considering the innumerable times Clinton has contradicted her own words, the irony of her admonition is profound.

And let’s not forget Trump first gained political prominence leading the charge for the so-called “Birthers.”

Decoder Response: The origin of controversy about Obama's nation of origin originated in 2008 from Hillary's presidential campaign against Obama, attributed to unnamed supporters. Trump's position was, show me conclusive facts. That remains advisable for any topic.
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii “ Washington Post

He promoted the racist lie that President Obama isn’t really an American citizen – part of a sustained effort to delegitimize America’s first black President.

Decoder Response: The Infallibility of Barack Obama was established as soon as he was nominated for the presidency. Tens of millions witnessed the event. Everyone who disagrees or questions this infallibility is obviously a racist. 
Again a double assertion that to question anything about the legitimacy of Obama is racist. This is pandering by Hillary. It is also deeply insulting to the intelligence of Blacks and other minorities. That is intentional.
Persistent reliance on charges of “racism” to refute facts is a strong assertion that a person or group of people lacks sufficient intelligence to refute facts with reason. If the set of facts cannot be refuted, they ought to accepted as fact. To fail to do this, and especially to lead others into a habit of charging racism or racist when circumstances call for truth and openness, is to persist in suppressing solutions to racial divisions. In fact, it is a deliberate, methodical maneuver it aggravate racial division even where there was none. Perhaps, especially where there was none. 

In 2015, Trump launched his own campaign for President with another racist lie. He described Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals.
Decoded Response: More of the same Big Lie. Trump actually described rapists, murderers and criminals as rapists, murderers and criminals who happened to come into the US without legal sanction.
Here again is deliberate obfuscation. She uses a common trick of equating the small sample with the whole, as if to say, “Some White people owned slaves” is equivalent to meaning, “All White people are responsible for slavery.”
By using this language there is no doubt whatsoever that Clinton talks down to her audience, expecting them to accept and believe what she says as truth. The Ted Cruz Head Bob follows.

Oh, and by the way, Mexico’s not paying for his wall either.
If it ever gets built, you can be sure that American taxpayers will be stuck with the bill.
Decoded Response: As everyone is business knows, there are indirect and direct expenses. When that time comes, that a wall is constructed between Mexico and the United States, resulting in a fraction of the border traffic that we now see, Mexico will suffer economically. Presently, the coyotes who assist in travellers crossing the border do a booming business. Whatever money they steal from their clients who want to enter the United States is circulated in Mexico as well as the US. They probably shop at WalMart.
Hillary knows and will not admit to the fact that this government pays an enormous outlay of cash and other indirect expenses due to the underground immigrant community in the States. Public services in every community in this country know that a percentage of each budget covers an outlay of public funds to deal with services for unprocessed immigrants.
It is totally disingenuous of Hillary and her people to claim that a wall will not significantly lower outlays of public cash for undocumented immigrants.

The wall will pay for itself; Mexico will lose income and increase its own outlays to deal with those who have tried to enter the US but were unable to cross the border.
In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. 

Since then, there’s been a steady stream of bigotry.
We all remember when Trump said a distinguished federal judge born in Indiana couldn’t be trusted to do his job because, quote, “He’s a Mexican.”
The National Council of La Raza is the largest Hispanic advocacy group in the nation and has taken a strong stance against Trump.
The judge was appointed by Barack Obama, federal judge. Frankly, he should recuse himself because he’s given us ruling after ruling after ruling, negative, negative, negative,” Trump said.
Mario Obledo (former California secretary of health and welfare and co-founder of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they [Anglos] don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe.” [interviewed on radio station KIEV, Los Angeles, June 17, 1998.]

Think about that.
The man who today is the standard bearer of the Republican Party said a federal judge was incapable of doing his job solely because of his heritage.
United States District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the man presiding over the class-action lawsuit against Trump University, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien.ALEX PFEIFFERReporter more:
Even the Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, described that as “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” To this day, he’s never apologized to Judge Curiel.
But for Trump, that’s just par for the course.
Decoded Response: The key word is “solely.” The whole point is to resuscitate a new, deep-seated impression that Trump is biased against all Mexicans, and by extension, against all Latins. The use of that word “solely” is sinister and insidious, and typical Hillary-speak.

It is very easy to misquote someone, anyone, to invoke a condemnation. That is exactly what Clinton is doing, and had done, with great help from the MPM, which provoked these responses by misquoting Trump intentionally.

The controversy was and is about two things: (1) The judge's previous rulings, which appeared biased. (2) A probable bias base on his membership in a controversial club.

However, this choice of words by Clinton may also reveal Ryan's ignorance, or choice to ignore: 
"Incredible as it may sound, there is a very active movement in Mexico and the US to saturate the US with illegal Mexican aliens. Currently the majority of the illegals are moving into the Southwest states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Utah and Nevada. The Mexicans call the seven states Aztlan, which is the territory ceded to the US by Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo of 1848, which they hope to control once again. The overall plan, however, is to create a massive Mexican population in the US and achieve total Mexican voting superiority, answerable only to Mexico City." 
There is also a distinct possibility that Hillary knows, as a former Secretary of State, exactly what has been going on with our immigration invasion through the Mexican border. If she did not know, she again failed miserably in her responsibilities as Secretary. Here, in her own words, she defends an atrocity in the making at the same time she condemns a political opponent for standing up to and publicizing a matter of far greater than personal concern. 

This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name “white-genocide-TM.” Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people.

Decoded Response: This is an extremely important statement because it is a key to how deeply rotten Hillary actually is. Perhaps this is the most intentionally divisive sentence she has uttered in this campaign.

First of all we have the recurrence of the label, “fringe bigot.” Bigot is one of the essential progressive trigger words. Using the word, “fringe” always implies lunatic fringe. In addition, every progressive knows that a bigot is a “hater. ” Every Progressive also knows that it is his or her social obligation to “hate all haters.”

It follows that it is their social obligation (they do not call themselves socialists for no reason) to hate Trump, whom Hillary identifies as a “hater.”

Now for a few facts kept completely hidden from the American Public by our Mainstream Propaganda Media.
Dr. Kamau Kambon, former visiting professor of African Studies at NC State University, made the following remarks at “Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media.” This was a program presented on October 14th at Howard University and broadcast by C-SPAN.And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem … And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem … [We need to] get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people.”

Dr. Kamau Kambon
C-SPAN is of course, government sponsored and mainstream media. The MPM watches C-SPAN and knows what is said there. Strange that this resulted in no outrage, while exceedingly ambiguous words from Trump are twisted about with unintended meaning.

There is much more:
Elizabeth Smith (Texaco vice president for investor relations) — “White males are only hired by default,” [Jon E. Dougherty, “White Males Need Not Apply at Texaco,”, March 31, 1999.]
Amiri Baraka (poet laureate of the state of New Jersey) — “Come up, black dada nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats.” [from “Black Dada Nihilismus.”] (added 2/05/03)
Amiri Baraka 

Bell Hooks (black professor of English at City College of New York) “I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white male that I long to murder.” [From her book A Killing Rage, quoted by David Horowitz in Hating Whitey, Spence Publishing, 1999, p. 31.]

Here we have hatred and proposed genocide of the white race being broadcast on public television and being taught in our public universities. For these past two decades and more, there has been open public dialogue about killing white people based on race alone. Not a single word from any Democrat, and silent, tacit agreement from Hillary Clinton.
The explanation: Hillary Clinton expects their votes, and has joined in these race-based condemnations to get them.
Haunani-Kay Trask
Haunani-Kay Trask (Professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and author of the following poem)

Racist White Woman
I could kick
Your face, puncture
Both eyes.
You deserve this kind
Of violence.
No more vicious
Tongues, obscene
Just a knife
Slitting your tight
Little heart.
For all my people
Under your feet
For all those years
Lived smug and wealthy
Off our land
Parasite arrogant
A fist
In your painted
Mouth, thick
With money
And piety

Friday, August 26, 2016

Hillary Clinton Remarks on Alt.Right - Reno, Nevada - Decoded, Part One

Remarks of Hillary Clinton, in bold, are decoded below.

This week we proposed new steps to cut red tape and taxes, and make it easier for small businesses to get the credit they need to grow and hire.

Decoded Response: Trump would do four significant things to boost small businesses, (1) lower taxes (2) less paperwork to comply with federal regulations (3) state-based flexible minimum wage rather than mandatory $15 per hour Clinton proposal (4) abolish ObamaCare and make insurance nationally competitive, getting small business out of tax-collecting role. Hence, her ideas are borrowed from Trump yet . . .
Clinton's astounding coziness with Big Money, Big Businesses, Big Pharma, and Big Government leaves one exceedingly skeptical that she will “go small” rather than go big. This becomes clear further on.

Because I believe that in America, if you can dream it, you should be able to build it.

Decoded Response: Taken directly from Trump, who had been saying he supports the dreams of all Americans, especially youth. His theme has been, for years, “Think big and you will achieve big.”

Everywhere I go, people tell me how concerned they are by the divisive rhetoric coming from my opponent in this election.
From the start, Donald Trump has built his campaign on prejudice and paranoia.
He’s taking hate groups mainstream and helping a radical fringe take over one of America’s two major political parties.

Decoded Response: “From the start” Hillary has been, along with Mainstream Propaganda Media, espousing this unified theme about Trump. In numerous speeches she has applied techniques to convey rather simple terms regarding Trump. These are (1) That Trump should not be taken seriously as a candidate; (2) That Trump is “dangerous;” (3) that Trump is racist; (4) that Trump is to be feared; (5) that Trump “incites violence.” 

The MPM, Mainstream Propaganda Media, has been goosestepping right along with Hillary on each of these themes. There is a reason that I use that word, “goosestepping.” Those who have studied in great detail the Rise of the German Third Reich, as I have, understand the essential weapon of propaganda that made it possible for the National Socialists to rise to power. Hitler was, as Hillary hopes to be, elected to office.

It is extremely unlikely that people tell Hillary that they are “concerned ... by the divisive rhetoric” coming from Trump. “Divisive rhetoric” is a term used only by the MPM, “as if it is true” (I'll have to do a later piece on the uses of “as if it is true” and “as if it is not true) that you, our audience (victims of our NLP programming) should be thinking about this. This is to say, from the start of Trump's campaign the MPM began to use specific adjectives and adverbs to describe Trump in terms that have preprogrammed negative effects. These terms include, and are definitely not limited to, "damaging," "offensive," “divisive,” “paranoid,” “racist,” “violence,” “hate,” “white,” “extreme,” “uneducated,” “male,” “misogynist,” “fringe,” “rural,” “radical,” and “backwoods.” Other words frequently used include "privilege," “gun-owners,” “anger,” “reactionary” “extremist,” “dangerous,” “right-wing,” “anti,” “loyal,” “conservative,” “Christian,” “prejudice,” “discrimination,” “phobia,” “bias,” and of course “fear.”

Every one of these words is used by both Clinton and the MPM because, after decades of careful application and redefinition, a predictable negative response occurs in a majority of Americans. Throughout this and future blog posts I will explain the hidden meaning of these terms as they are used.

It's a simple game of word association.

His disregard for the values that make our country great is profoundly dangerous.
Decoded Response: The adjective “dangerous” was used by a consortium of about fifty (50) U.S. Military or “national security” careerists from various agencies, including the Pentagon, who at once said they could not support Trump. When that announcement was made in various MPM venues, it was given a good bit of noise. It was given much attention strategically because it pertained to Trump, and that these careerists considered Trump “dangerous” for his lack of experience, or whatever uncertainty he represents. It was a “top story” for a short time.
Timing, in politics, is often "everything."
At that same time  another story came out, extremely “on the DL,” that the Pentagon and other bastions of “national security” had been unable to account for Six & One Half Trillion Federal Reserve Notes - $6.5 Trillion - (or the credit equivalent). During a significant portion of the period during which this money vanished, or became untraceable, Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. Trillions go missing: Taxpayer cash
This adds another meaning to the term “profoundly dangerous.”

We know for absolute certainty that Hillary will never order an investigation into that 6.5 trillion dollars that is unaccounted for. That would never happen. National security, State Department misplaced $6 billion under Hillary Clinton
We can suppose with equal certainty that Trump might take a look at that and do at least a preliminary investigation. There is definitely that chance. He would be, I suppose, about thirty times more likely to take some steps to find out where the hemorrhages of money are happening, even if only for future safeguards of "running this country more like a business." 
For those responsible for the unaccountability of trillions, Trump would be indeed “profoundly dangerous,” but only to those in power who have abused their public trust. 
And by the way, “values” is another term with hidden meaning. For those inclined to vote, and live, “to the left of center,” it means progressive values, and only progressive values.

In just the past week, under the guise of “outreach” to African Americans, Trump has stood up in front of largely white audiences and described black communities in insulting and ignorant terms:
Poverty. Rejection. Horrible education. No housing. No homes. No ownership. Crime at levels nobody has seen… Right now, you walk down the street, you get shot.”
Those are his words.
Donald Trump misses so much.

Decoded Response: There are very many White and Hispanic people living in or visiting Miami-Dade County right now who know that Trump is right. We are advised not to go to certain places in the City of Miami, especially at night. Hillary attacks Trump as though places like Liberty City do not exist. But Liberty City does exist, and it is impoverished. But there are many other cities where poverty, poor schools, inadequate housing, low homeownership rates are far worse. The majority of bad neighborhoods are populated by Blacks. They know it, and increasing violence all around this country demonstrates that they are not happy about it.
What Hillary misses is that a large number, a growing percentage, of Blacks are waking up. They are on to Hillary and the failed Democrat programs that she represents so proudly.

By Spencer Overton:
Among boys and men ages 15-34, for example, African Americans are over 20 times more likely than whites to be victims of gun homicide.
80 percent of African Americans described gun violence in America as an extremely serious problem.
And that many of those at high risk to commit or to be victimized by gun violence face a lack of job skills and opportunities, addiction, and other challenges.
Over 92 percent of African Americans and over 88 percent of Latinos support solutions like job training, life skills support, and mental health counseling available to young people and people just released from jail or prison.
He doesn’t see the success of black leaders in every field…
Decoded Response: Hillary has no clue what Donald Trump sees and doesn't see. But based on what he says about there being a basic economic root to the problems, Trump is profoundly right.

And he certainly doesn’t have any solutions to take on the reality of systemic racism and create more equity and opportunity in communities of color.

Decoded Response: Again, there are those trigger terms: “systemic,” and “racism.” Another very important trigger word is “equity.” This word, equity, was adopted by Progressives because of its similarity to “equality.” The verbal (NLP) trick is, since we are in this new Age of Diversity, and people have equal rights, a word that actually means justice as it pertains to equal claim becomes an expectation of equal distribution of goods or wealth.

According to Hillary, “systemic racism” is the problem that stands in the way of “more equity” and “more opportunity.” The inferred connection is that since Trump allegedly doesn't have solutions, he is part of that “systemic racism” standing in the way of progress. Of course that's nonsense.

But this introduces a very strange set of facts.

Maurice Milles Mansa on Facebook posted a mind-blowing article about the size of African American economic power: 
AFRICAN AMERICAN GDP 2,226.783 trillion USD. If African Americans were a nation of themselves, they would have the 10th highest GDP in the world.

Decoding this a bit further, we know that a majority of Blacks here live in Democrat controlled cities. And most of their concentrations are urban. They go to urban schools, and shop in urban environments. They also have considerable economic clout.

The problem is exceedingly clear: a national progressive agenda, including the massive teachers unions, control the content and means of education. Throughout our school systems, progressive values prevail. Not only does the progressive agenda prevail, it dominates every aspect of education in America.

This is the exact reason that poverty, low-income, inadequate housing, and other trials and travails of Black Americans are so prevalent. There is sufficient money poured into public schools to compete with other systems around the world. A shortage of money is not the problem. As it's said in computing, “garbage in, garbage out.” It's the content that creates the problem. It's not the “hardware,” or the money, school buildings, equipment or structures that fail. It's the software that fails to nourish students with decent educations, and that software is written by Democrat Progressives.

It takes a lot of nerve to ask people he’s ignored and mistreated for decades, “What do you have to lose?” The answer is everything!

Decoded Response: Again we find another key trigger word, “mistreated.” Hillary has no evidence of Trump mistreating anyone “for decades.” And “ignored;” when you build a business of even half a billion dollars, no one has time for everyone. You have work to do; while one is doing a monumental job with countless responsibilities there is no time for details of lives of millions. On the face, Hillary's statement makes no sense, but going below the surface ...

The essence of what Hillary meant is, “you are victims! You have been ignored,” and some will take this as, “Trump is ignorant.” It follows that Hillary is telling her audience that THEY are Trump's victims, “mistreated” as they have been.

Hillary enjoys telling people they are "victims" because this diminishes their ability to take control of their lives.
Trump’s lack of knowledge or experience or solutions would be bad enough.

Decoded Response: Again, it is right out in front of your face, “Trump is ignorant,” in his “lack of knowledge or experience.” You are instructed to make this assumption as if it is absolutely true. 

But what he’s doing here is more sinister.
Trump is reinforcing harmful stereotypes and offering a dog whistle to his most hateful supporters.
Decoded Response: Hillary wants you to believe Trump is evil because she says so, and she's the expert on evil. (No snickering please.)
She uses a sly word here, “sinister,” implying that Trump is just what she is: a sneaky sort of bad thing with bad intentions. But she wants you to believe that it is Trump who cannot be trusted, of course.

But again, a couple more loaded terms: “most hateful supporters,” and “dog whistle.”
Decoding the first phrase is easy: If YOU support Trump then YOU are obviously hateful. The implication is that “all Trump supporters are hateful” but only some hear his dog whistle: those who are most hateful.
From WikiPedia on political dog whistle:
According to William Safire, the term "dog whistle" in reference to politics may have been derived from its use in the field of opinion polling. Safire quotes Richard Morin, director of polling for The Washington Post, as writing in 1988, "subtle changes in question-wording sometimes produce remarkably different results.... researchers call this the 'Dog Whistle Effect': Respondents hear something in the question that researchers do not", and speculates that campaign workers adapted the phrase from political pollsters.[1]
In her book Voting for Jesus: Christianity and Politics in Australia, academic Amanda Lohrey writes that the goal of the dog-whistle is to appeal to the greatest possible number of electors while alienating the smallest possible number. She uses as an example Australian politicians using broadly appealing words such as "family" and "values", which have extra resonance for Christians, while avoiding overt Christian moralizing that might be a turn-off for non-Christian voters.[2]
During the 2008 Democratic primaries, several writers criticized Hillary Clinton's campaign's reliance on code words and innuendo seemingly designed to frame Barack Obama's race as problematic, saying Obama was characterized by the Clinton campaign and its prominent supporters as anti-white due to his association with Reverend Jeremiah Wright, as able to attract only black votes, as anti-patriotic, a drug user, possibly a drug seller, and married to an angry, ungrateful black woman.[27] Obama was accused of dog-whistling to African-American voters by using a blend of gestures, style and rhetoric, such as fist-bumps and walking with a "swagger — a rhythmic lope that says cool and confident and undeniably black," that carefully affirmed and underscored his black identity.[2

Hillary gets right to the point: She knows exactly what using a “dog whistle” is because she's been doing it in numerous campaigns. It becomes clear that she has been applying the same technique all along in this campaign of 2016. Her present speech is loaded with dog whistles.
Another term for her technique is subliminal manipulation. Or, some prefer the term meta-programming.
Yeah, I know how much Bernie Sanders supporters like meta-programming used on them. As much as they like being doused with Chem-trails and fed GMOs. 

It’s a disturbing preview of what kind of President he’d be.
Decoded Response: This is our preview of what a Hillary Clinton presidency would be: manipulation, lying, disregard for the integrity of human minds, communities suffering from Institutional Miseducation, and a long list begins.
In this one speech, there are too many phrases and insults to decode in one session. Stay tuned for more coming up soon.