Saturday, August 27, 2016

Hillary Clinton Speech Decoded with Mind-blowing Discoveries, Part Two

This is a continuation of a previous post decoding Hillary Clinton's speech of August 25, 2016, in which she attacked Donald Trump and the "Alt.Right" Internet blogs and websites that happen to expose her as she really has been and continues to be. Hillary's words are in bold type, followed by decoding information. 

This is what I want to make clear today:
A man with a long history of racial discrimination, who traffics in dark conspiracy theories drawn from the pages of supermarket tabloids and the far reaches of the internet, should never run our government or command our military.

Decoded Response: To begin with this new segment of her speech, Clinton says she want to “make clear today” what follows. This is a variation of her other favorite phrase, “I have to tell ya ...” Both of these phrases are condescending. She presumes a position of superior knowledge; without her sharing that knowledge the rest of us would remain uninformed.

Also, these two phrases and those similar are used in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to make a “connection” with an audience that is supposed to create empathy or agreement. After all, she's letting you in on a “secret” or information that you did not know, so she's doing you a favor.

Add the word “dark” to your meta-programming terms. That is always a good one to use in broad audiences because it invokes subtle fear: Fear of the dark, fear of the unknown.

Conspiracy theory falls under multiple categories, including “the Big Lie” used in National Socialist (NAZI) Germany. We are supposed to accept that those promoting a “conspiracy theory” are fooled, by our own weakness of mind, into believing an outlandish plot could or would even exist. The term conspiracy theory is deceptive in an insidious way. We are supposed to believe that a conspiracy does not exist, and/or that no conspiracies are ever successful, unless a referenced event happened long ago in history. For example, the American Public is now allowed to believe that Lincoln's assassination was the result of a conspiracy, partly because it happened long ago and partly because the United States government killed a group of people for participating in that conspiracy. More recently, anarchists were accused of a plot to assassinate McKinley, but that was still in a distant past. So, the Big Lie currently in use and widely promoted is that there is too much information in this “Information Age” for any such conspiracy to work. Potential leaks make conspiracies impossible, simple as that.

Its secondary meaning is that a person who accepts a “theory” (as if it is true) is unstable and gullible. The Mainstream Propaganda Media does quite a bit to promote gullibility as a social epidemic, especially that which is reinforced with fake humor. This is to say, in a pseudo-comedy show or situation, someone will say “conspiracy” or “conspiracy theory” followed by sound effect laughter. Yes, producers use fake laughter machines to meta-program audiences as to what is supposed to be funny. They do this all the time, and most audiences know it is fake laughter, yet many will still be conditioned to think it's funny.

But the real trick is this: Audiences are conditioned to fear being ridiculed. As soon as a conditioned person starts to speak about what is really healthy skepticism, that person knows to expect ridicule. Conditioned people don't like to be ridiculed. They shut both minds and mouths.

And that is the audience that Hillary was speaking to.

The far reaches of the Internet ...” Again we have a reference to “extremism,” and to “right-wing fringes.” These are expertly coded words. This is NLP reinforcement of multiple fears that people are conditioned to have.

Then of course a conclusion. After saying this, Hillary as the Ted Cruz Head Bob down to perfection. While an audience applauds her vacuous statements, she raises her head and nods up and down in agreement. But this is more that simple agreement. Those watching receive a subliminal message of, “Yes, this is true.” it's not meant as, “I Hillary, agree with you.” The Ted Cruz Head Bob is an instruction: You will say yes to my words.

If he doesn’t respect all Americans, how can he serve all Americans?

Decoded Response: This is an obvious Fake Question. The MPM uses this Fake Question Technique all the time.

She is asserting, “He doesn't respect ...” She presents a (false) statement of “fact,” that Trump doesn't respect anyone. 

Hillary is NOT asking, “How can he serve ...”

She is proposing instead that Trump cannot serve ANY Americans. This is what that audience is expected to receive, per Hillary's intentions.

Now, I know some people still want to give Trump the benefit of the doubt.
They hope that he will eventually reinvent himself – that there’s a kinder, gentler, more responsible Donald Trump waiting in the wings somewhere.
Decoded Response: Hillary is telling her audience that Trump does not deserve their respect, and that some in her audience might want to feel magnanimous by giving him a pass. The unsubtle implication is that Trump has done something terribly wrong for which only the most generous can forgive.

What terrible things is Trump guilty of, based on this passage?

He has been “unkind,” he has been “mean,” and he has been “irresponsible.” These are insidious implications that evoke a parental role in both the audience and Hillary. Trump has been a bad boy, and maybe we can forgive him ... but only if ...

Then, the reference to “the fringe.” A better, meaning obedient, Donald Trump might appear from some distant location, some fringe location in which he takes refuge.

After all, it’s hard to believe anyone – let alone a nominee for President of the United States – could really believe all the things he says.

Decoded Response: You are a fool if you believe anything Trump says. Not one of you should believe anything he says.

I hope you appreciate the astounding irony above and below.

Maya Angelou once said: “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Decoded Response: Hillary is very concerned that Trump is going to gather a positive response by reaching out to Hispanics and Blacks. Naturally she turns to an emotional trigger to increase her empathy level with Black audiences by invoking a heroine of Black Culture in America. Meta-programming of that audience would not be effective without this empathy or connection to Maya Angelou. 

However, there are some things that people should know about Angelou, and perhaps many already do, which sort of opens another very ugly mess regarding Clinton.
"Angelou was a racist, America-hater, Jew-hater, anti-Israel, a close friend of Malcolm X, and a strong supporter of Cuba’s Fidel Castro."  Debbie Schlussel
However, one important aspect of her life that it left out was that she is a literary fraud.
At this point, I'm not sure that there's anything coming out of Angelou's pen or mouth that can be believed.
"Of course, Castro never had called himself white, so he was O.K. from the git." Maya Angelou
Angelou was a popular writer made famous by Bill Clinton at his Inaugeration. She was a celebrity writer in the same sense that Ben Affleck is a movie star but not an actor; there is enough talent to get by but not enough depth to make a deep lasting impression. Hillary had used the same quote from Angelou in May 2016, also in a speech criticizing Trump. Considering the innumerable times Clinton has contradicted her own words, the irony of her admonition is profound.

And let’s not forget Trump first gained political prominence leading the charge for the so-called “Birthers.”

Decoder Response: The origin of controversy about Obama's nation of origin originated in 2008 from Hillary's presidential campaign against Obama, attributed to unnamed supporters. Trump's position was, show me conclusive facts. That remains advisable for any topic.
An anonymous email circulated by supporters of Mrs Clinton, Mr Obama’s main rival for the party’s nomination, thrust a new allegation into the national spotlight — that he had not been born in Hawaii “ Washington Post

He promoted the racist lie that President Obama isn’t really an American citizen – part of a sustained effort to delegitimize America’s first black President.

Decoder Response: The Infallibility of Barack Obama was established as soon as he was nominated for the presidency. Tens of millions witnessed the event. Everyone who disagrees or questions this infallibility is obviously a racist. 
Again a double assertion that to question anything about the legitimacy of Obama is racist. This is pandering by Hillary. It is also deeply insulting to the intelligence of Blacks and other minorities. That is intentional.
Persistent reliance on charges of “racism” to refute facts is a strong assertion that a person or group of people lacks sufficient intelligence to refute facts with reason. If the set of facts cannot be refuted, they ought to accepted as fact. To fail to do this, and especially to lead others into a habit of charging racism or racist when circumstances call for truth and openness, is to persist in suppressing solutions to racial divisions. In fact, it is a deliberate, methodical maneuver it aggravate racial division even where there was none. Perhaps, especially where there was none. 

In 2015, Trump launched his own campaign for President with another racist lie. He described Mexican immigrants as rapists and criminals.
Decoded Response: More of the same Big Lie. Trump actually described rapists, murderers and criminals as rapists, murderers and criminals who happened to come into the US without legal sanction.
Here again is deliberate obfuscation. She uses a common trick of equating the small sample with the whole, as if to say, “Some White people owned slaves” is equivalent to meaning, “All White people are responsible for slavery.”
By using this language there is no doubt whatsoever that Clinton talks down to her audience, expecting them to accept and believe what she says as truth. The Ted Cruz Head Bob follows.

Oh, and by the way, Mexico’s not paying for his wall either.
If it ever gets built, you can be sure that American taxpayers will be stuck with the bill.
Decoded Response: As everyone is business knows, there are indirect and direct expenses. When that time comes, that a wall is constructed between Mexico and the United States, resulting in a fraction of the border traffic that we now see, Mexico will suffer economically. Presently, the coyotes who assist in travellers crossing the border do a booming business. Whatever money they steal from their clients who want to enter the United States is circulated in Mexico as well as the US. They probably shop at WalMart.
Hillary knows and will not admit to the fact that this government pays an enormous outlay of cash and other indirect expenses due to the underground immigrant community in the States. Public services in every community in this country know that a percentage of each budget covers an outlay of public funds to deal with services for unprocessed immigrants.
It is totally disingenuous of Hillary and her people to claim that a wall will not significantly lower outlays of public cash for undocumented immigrants.

The wall will pay for itself; Mexico will lose income and increase its own outlays to deal with those who have tried to enter the US but were unable to cross the border.
In 2005 Hillary said, “I am adamantly against illegal immigrants.” She also, as a Senator, voted to construct a wall between the US and Mexico. 

Since then, there’s been a steady stream of bigotry.
We all remember when Trump said a distinguished federal judge born in Indiana couldn’t be trusted to do his job because, quote, “He’s a Mexican.”
The National Council of La Raza is the largest Hispanic advocacy group in the nation and has taken a strong stance against Trump.
The judge was appointed by Barack Obama, federal judge. Frankly, he should recuse himself because he’s given us ruling after ruling after ruling, negative, negative, negative,” Trump said.
Mario Obledo (former California secretary of health and welfare and co-founder of Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund: “We’re going to take over all the political institutions of California. California is going to be a Hispanic state and anyone who doesn’t like it should leave. If they [Anglos] don’t like Mexicans, they ought to go back to Europe.” [interviewed on radio station KIEV, Los Angeles, June 17, 1998.]

Think about that.
The man who today is the standard bearer of the Republican Party said a federal judge was incapable of doing his job solely because of his heritage.
United States District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel, the man presiding over the class-action lawsuit against Trump University, is a member of the La Raza Lawyers of San Diego and oversaw the gift of a law school scholarship to an illegal alien.ALEX PFEIFFERReporter more:
Even the Republican Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, described that as “the textbook definition of a racist comment.” To this day, he’s never apologized to Judge Curiel.
But for Trump, that’s just par for the course.
Decoded Response: The key word is “solely.” The whole point is to resuscitate a new, deep-seated impression that Trump is biased against all Mexicans, and by extension, against all Latins. The use of that word “solely” is sinister and insidious, and typical Hillary-speak.

It is very easy to misquote someone, anyone, to invoke a condemnation. That is exactly what Clinton is doing, and had done, with great help from the MPM, which provoked these responses by misquoting Trump intentionally.

The controversy was and is about two things: (1) The judge's previous rulings, which appeared biased. (2) A probable bias base on his membership in a controversial club.

However, this choice of words by Clinton may also reveal Ryan's ignorance, or choice to ignore: 
"Incredible as it may sound, there is a very active movement in Mexico and the US to saturate the US with illegal Mexican aliens. Currently the majority of the illegals are moving into the Southwest states of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Texas, Utah and Nevada. The Mexicans call the seven states Aztlan, which is the territory ceded to the US by Mexico as part of the Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo of 1848, which they hope to control once again. The overall plan, however, is to create a massive Mexican population in the US and achieve total Mexican voting superiority, answerable only to Mexico City." 
There is also a distinct possibility that Hillary knows, as a former Secretary of State, exactly what has been going on with our immigration invasion through the Mexican border. If she did not know, she again failed miserably in her responsibilities as Secretary. Here, in her own words, she defends an atrocity in the making at the same time she condemns a political opponent for standing up to and publicizing a matter of far greater than personal concern. 

This is someone who retweets white supremacists online, like the user who goes by the name “white-genocide-TM.” Trump took this fringe bigot with a few dozen followers and spread his message to 11 million people.

Decoded Response: This is an extremely important statement because it is a key to how deeply rotten Hillary actually is. Perhaps this is the most intentionally divisive sentence she has uttered in this campaign.

First of all we have the recurrence of the label, “fringe bigot.” Bigot is one of the essential progressive trigger words. Using the word, “fringe” always implies lunatic fringe. In addition, every progressive knows that a bigot is a “hater. ” Every Progressive also knows that it is his or her social obligation to “hate all haters.”

It follows that it is their social obligation (they do not call themselves socialists for no reason) to hate Trump, whom Hillary identifies as a “hater.”

Now for a few facts kept completely hidden from the American Public by our Mainstream Propaganda Media.
Dr. Kamau Kambon, former visiting professor of African Studies at NC State University, made the following remarks at “Black Media Forum on the Image of Black Americans in Mainstream Media.” This was a program presented on October 14th at Howard University and broadcast by C-SPAN.And then finally I want to say that we need one idea, and we’re not thinking about a solution to the problem … And the one idea is, how we are going to exterminate white people because that in my estimation is the only conclusion I have come to. We have to exterminate white people off the face of the planet to solve this problem … [We need to] get very serious and not be diverted from coming up with a solution to the problem and the problem on the planet is white people.”

Dr. Kamau Kambon
C-SPAN is of course, government sponsored and mainstream media. The MPM watches C-SPAN and knows what is said there. Strange that this resulted in no outrage, while exceedingly ambiguous words from Trump are twisted about with unintended meaning.

There is much more:
Elizabeth Smith (Texaco vice president for investor relations) — “White males are only hired by default,” [Jon E. Dougherty, “White Males Need Not Apply at Texaco,”, March 31, 1999.]
Amiri Baraka (poet laureate of the state of New Jersey) — “Come up, black dada nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats.” [from “Black Dada Nihilismus.”] (added 2/05/03)
Amiri Baraka 

Bell Hooks (black professor of English at City College of New York) “I am writing this essay sitting beside an anonymous white male that I long to murder.” [From her book A Killing Rage, quoted by David Horowitz in Hating Whitey, Spence Publishing, 1999, p. 31.]

Here we have hatred and proposed genocide of the white race being broadcast on public television and being taught in our public universities. For these past two decades and more, there has been open public dialogue about killing white people based on race alone. Not a single word from any Democrat, and silent, tacit agreement from Hillary Clinton.
The explanation: Hillary Clinton expects their votes, and has joined in these race-based condemnations to get them.
Haunani-Kay Trask
Haunani-Kay Trask (Professor of Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa, and author of the following poem)

Racist White Woman
I could kick
Your face, puncture
Both eyes.
You deserve this kind
Of violence.
No more vicious
Tongues, obscene
Just a knife
Slitting your tight
Little heart.
For all my people
Under your feet
For all those years
Lived smug and wealthy
Off our land
Parasite arrogant
A fist
In your painted
Mouth, thick
With money
And piety

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