Monday, August 29, 2016

Three Paths to Grave Error, One Path to Wisdom

The American Public is constantly told by the Mainstream Propaganda Media that Voters have a choice to make between Conservatives, Liberals, or sometimes Progressives.

These are terms that make sense only in the context of Propaganda; this means by usefulness in deception.

Senator Barry Goldwater of Arizona campaigned during the Nineteen-Fifties, up to his bid for the United States presidency in 1964, as the only "true conservative."

His followers considered themselves to be "true conservatives" as well, and believed wholeheartedly that their version of Conservatism would be the saving Grace of this nation at that time, and in this time. Goldwater was rejected miserably by voters in 1964.

During this past election year, Senator Ted Cruz assumed to be the only true conservative running for president. Millions of people believed him. Cruz reached into a vat of traditional beliefs held by self-proclaimed conservatives for decades, trying to gain trust among those in the cult.

Yes, I say that those who followed Goldwater and those who follow, still, Ted Cruz, belong to a political cult called Conservatism that has changed little over eight decades. It has changed somewhat, but not all that much. Arguments used in the Nineteen-Thirties, Forties and Fifties intending to slow down the rise of political self-proclaimed Progressives are the same ones used in 2016.

During this same difficult period of rapid social and political change, many "Conservatives" knew what few others knew or would admit to in public: that everyone from the earlier part of the Twentieth Century forward who entered politics as a self-proclaimed Progressive was using a code word for a political atheist.

During conferences in 1910, a group of obscenely wealthy American and European corporate leaders and bankers gathered to examine ways in which they could solidify their control over the American People. At that time, Americans were the most free and entrepreneurial people on Earth. The vast majority of American wealth never made it New York. Instead, it was held in American homes, and in American small towns, in Savings and Loan "Banks," and in local investment pools. The American People were wealthy, and a growing middle class was inclined to keep its wealth dispersed among themselves, to be enjoyed within families and communities. Collectively the American People held far more wealth than the Rockefellers, the Morgans, and others like them.

It was decided in these conferences of 1910 that a few Insiders would apply various covert means to change the social landscape of the United States. The primary keys to desired social change: education and war. From that point forward, the wealthiest few began to purchase the services of academics who would assist them in a metamorphosis of American education. Textbooks used in public schools at all levels were published with increasing frequency, and distributed to  greater numbers of students each year. These books gradually became saturated with  propagandized content that directed students toward specific social and political changes desired by those Elites who funded book production.

There was no moral justification behind the aims of the Elite who launched this plan. In fact, those who were Insiders knew that their goals were, and still are, directly in opposition to ethics and morals of a vast majority of human beings. After several thousand years of human communication and communities, there are basic morals that we agree on. This distillation of ideas and morals has been an organic process throughout history, allowing "civilization" to become refined. To radically alter this refined society achieved by the start of the Twentieth  Century, sweeping changes were necessary in politics and religious beliefs.

To advance the hidden political agenda of the Insiders, they adopted the term Progressive. From that point forward it was understood that anyone self-identifying as "progressive" was declaring themselves to be an atheist, not constrained by morals, traditional or otherwise. In fact, it was also decided by the Insiders that it would be necessary for them to redefine the major religions of that time. They have.

Understand that Progressives are the true opposites of Conservatives; although the Mainstream Propaganda Media insists that self-proclaimed Liberals belong to that "left end."

That's the way it is with Mainstream Propaganda terms; language is meant to be misleading, not clear. .

Along similar political tracks, both Socialists and Communists rose as twin arms of political Progressives. Again, it has been understood that if you took either path the end goal was the same: to "make progress" toward a society without God and without moral constraints associated with the major religions of the early Twentieth Century.

An atheist Progressive, John Dewey, took control of public school education by the Nineteen-Forties. Dewey was one of thirty-four who signed the first Humanist Manifesto, in 1933, which called for replacing God-centered religion with a new Human-based religion. His legacy has been to ensure that atheism would be taught in public schools throughout America, disguised as "advancements in knowledge and educational techniques."

Under the guise of "advancement in knowledge," rapid replacement of textbooks used in schools, which seem to have a  usefulness of no more than three years, has for decades been a means of adding continually more atheism into school curriculum. Three generations of teachers have now been "educated" completely under this meta-programming system. Consequently it is inevitable that a large percentage of teachers in public schools, from the earliest grades to universities,  proudly consider themselves political and social Progressives.

The Grave Error of Conservatives as a political cult in America is that they attempt to base their political philosophy on "Judeo-Christian values" that they cannot actually perfect as a guide to life. Contributing to this Error is that Christianity is a Mystical Religion. As such, it is exceedingly complex. Its moral tenets are an excellent guiding light to apply to one's life, and doing so would make this world a much better place. To be a true Christian is to actively bridge this gap between a material world and an equally real spiritual "dimension." Doing so in a political context is like debating quantum physics in three minutes or less, with CNN moderating.

In addition, much of the practice of Christianity as was taught by Yeshua involves "being in a closet." Christianity is based on prayer, but unlike Islamic prayer, Yeshua taught that one is to "Go to a closet to pray in secret." Those who pray in secret will be rewarded in secret, Yeshua has promised. [[There is so much propaganda concerning a "separation of church and state" that it will be decoded in later blogs. Nothing written on these pages is intended to dismiss or insult any religion, except erroneous political cults.]]

The Grave Error of Progressives is that it is a movement that will inevitably bring about destruction and death. It already has. Under the banner of communism, Progressivism failed miserably. Under the banner of National Socialism in Germany, Progressivism contributed to the deaths of more than sixty million people. An unknown number, in millions, have died in Asia under failed Progressivism as Chinese communism, North Korean communism, and Vietnamese communism. In other parts of the world such as Cuba and Venezuela, Progressivism has destroyed millions more lives.

All known forms of Progressivism are based on the lie of fundamental atheism. Throughout the history of political philosophy no philosophical theory, based upon fallacy or fiction, applied in this world, and tested, has survived.  

Among Progressives, a minority would argue that it is no error at all that its philosophy, when turned into political power, brings about destruction and death. To those few, especially Insiders, these results is intended. These are Progressives who understand the power of propaganda, and that without effective propaganda they have no power.

The Grave Error of self-proclaimed Liberals is weakness. To be "liberal" is to not believe in anything, except those weak proclamations that sound good at the moment. To be pro-abortion yet against the death penalty for serious crimes is an example. To be liberal is to go along with the crowd, believing that because a majority of people in your age group or social status think something, you should too. To be liberal is to believe that birth control pills are about women's health, because you're told so, when in fact The Pill is the most destructive force working against a woman's health. Liberals believe what Mainstream Propaganda Media tells them to believe. Hence, as Liberals know what is Cultural Common Knowledge to know, and weakness moves them to avoid deep, reflective thought, they are blind to the irony of their self-contradictions and, in more blunt terms, their hypocrisy.

There is a Fourth Way. It is the only true path forward, toward a Refined Civilization.

In political terms, only the Pragmatist is capable of leading this fractured society out of the mess we are in.

A Pragmatist finds the short path to a solution, but a true pragmatist does not rely on an illusion of "being all things to all people." A pragmatist will not pretend to please everyone; a pragmatist will understand from the start that those who rely on problems persisting, for nefarious reasons of course, will be violently opposed to solutions. Thus a Pragmatist expects opposition from those creating a status quo that is rife with problems; fluid problems that intentionally have no resolution in sight.

For example, under our resent circumstances, it is inevitable that Progressives be violently opposed to Pragmatists. 

A Pragmatist fixes things that aren't working. Yes, that's completely different from a Socialist, and from the self-proclaimed Progressive; those political cults are committed to breaking what works so that an alternative program can begin.

At the time of the American Revolution, there were Conservatives; they remained loyal to King George, the broken money system, and the status quo of having to pay allegiance to an Elite who was never seen (much like today).

At that same time, there were very few Liberals and no Socialists in America. People were too busy living practical lives to be so engaged in breaking systems that worked well (only the Money System was broken). People found practical solutions to many problems faced; self-reliance was the dominant theme that motivated young and old, man and woman, to live in freedom.

During that period, people lived in American Colonies to practice, openly and without causing offense, their respective religious beliefs, not to be free from the wisdom of thousands of years of intellectual and moral refinement that defined their beliefs. Hence, the fallacy of Progressivism had not yet been imagined.

The Founding Fathers, those who established this nation, its refinement of all previous political systems into the paradigm of political systems, were all Pragmatists. Men and women worked together to throw off the oppression of the King's Money System that did not work for Colonists, but instead strangled businesses and livelihoods with excessive taxes.

However, in France a few years later, while the esteemed Pragmatist George Washington served as the First President of the United States, Progressivism exploded onto the landscape in excesses of violence and bloodshed known as the French Revolution.

The American Civil War was another explosion of violence and bloodshed during the years that another Pragmatic president presided over this American Experiment. Lincoln was a dark figure, liked by few in the political class of his time. Lincoln understood that the enemies of freedom are neither truly conservative nor truly liberal, neither leftists nor from the right. Instead, they wear whatever garb seems most acceptable in the moment. He knew, it takes cunning and personal strength to move forward while those around you shout condemnations and put obstacles in the way.

The last Pragmatist to live in the White House was John Kennedy. There is a price that some men/women are forced to pay for the exercise of their own free will, and refusal to be owned by one or more people.

There is only one Pragmatist candidate for president in 2016 with a chance to be elected, and not owned. 

When Washington resigned his term as president, it was universally understood that WISDOM had prevailed in his nomination and election by The People.

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